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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 03:46 Thu 28th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Mrs wbm an I went to see the oncologist yesterday and she told us that it is NOT lung cancer, but a secondary breast cancer from the primary Mrs. wbm had 14 years ago. That means it is still not treatable but can be controlled without invasive chemotherapy or radio therapy. A simple daily tablet should help it to shrink to a manageable level. The oncologist does not think it is in the spine, so has booked a bone scan for two weeks time and another meeting with her in four weeks time when she hopes to be able to tell us what the spots on the spine are, which is good 'cos we weren't sure we had four weeks before! So I'm going to have her around for a lot longer than we thought. It will still get her eventually, but not yet.
Have a happy day everyone! We will! :-}


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good morning wbm sort of good news i suppose for you both but still sad.
hope you and mrs wbm are ok terrible thing to have to go through the not knowing all the time what to expect next!
enjoy every minute of the future thats all you can do m8 my very best wishes to you and mrs wbm xx
all the best
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Morning bernie. Thanks mate. It's a lot better than we thought yesterday morning! So it could have been worse. I'll have her around for a while yet. :-}
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Morning Helen. Thank you sweetheart. It's nice to know you're thinking of us. xxx
just have to take it day by day m8, every single day will be a special day for you both,hope you are ok m8 you take care now!
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You're right bernie. Each day is a bonus. each day is precious. We will make the most of them mate.
good morning wbm,, at last some good news, I've been saying a little prayer every day for you both and i'm so pleased,, I had to read it twice to take it all in,, perhaps others have been saying a little prayer for you both,, I can't stop smiling and that isn't usual at this time in the morning.. xxxxxxxxxxx
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Morning bet. thank you sweetheart. We are both on a high at the moment. All the prayers must have combined to help us! All the support we have had has helped a lot. You are a lovely bunch of people.
right im off to work will be thinking of you both take care xx
Morning Boaty, in some ways that's good news and I am so pleased that you have an extended time with your good lady. Maybe there is a god after all. I know you will anyway but enjoy each day as it comes mate, and it is great to see you back on here. I'm doing the first trip over to York on my own tomorrow and not looking forward to the drive but there has to a 'first time' sometime. Love to you both.
Morning Helen, Bet and Bernie - we're a bit nippy up here this morning, even had frost on the windscreen!
You know what they say about the "power of prayer" ... so many nice people around but we only see in the media the bad ones,, my 2 friends are going through the same thing as Mrs wbm and Its such a battle for them and yet all over the world people are slaughtering each other,, It makes me so mad and its so unfair,,, ok rant over xxxx
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Morning welshy. Thank you mate. My thoughts are with you. It is a traumatic time for you with a lot of things you must do alone now. It'll hurt mate, but you'll get through it. the pain will never go, but it will ease. All the best mate. I'm sure she will be with you.
good morning welshy bernie and helen sorry for my bad manners,, I've given myself a slap on the wrist xxx
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A worthy rant bet. I can only agree with you. People can be such idiots.
morning wbm, helen and bernie! been thinking of you both, wtb and i hope the weather has been good for you- nothing like watching the dawn and a good hot cup of char to rouse positive thoughts for the day. i can't believe how brave you both are and your positive outlook is...well, amazing. i haven't said so, but i send you my love and best wishes and we are always here for you to talk to and for support. lots of love and (((bighugs))) x
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Morning icg. Hugs are always welcome. :-} Mrs. wbm is still asleep at the moment, as soon as she is awake I will be away. I don't want to miss a moment of her company.
We are both pragmatic about it, there is nothing we can do about it except enjoy what time we have together. We do have our moments though, but we soon shake them off. she is one of the bravest people I know.
Morning lcg, I agree with what you say and I think all the regulars of The Refreshers Club and Moonie were hoping and praying for a positive outcome, well as positive as it could be. How was the break away, Boaty?
How long will it take you to get to york Welshy?? I'm not a good traveller at all so I dont go home as often as I would like to,, the telephone is my lifeline as Mr B will verify... he pays the bill xx
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We had a wonderful time welshy. we had a couple of days just rubbernecking, one day we went to Burnam on Sea and did a bit of shop raiding and left with a boot full of booty. the car looked like a removal van on the way home!. One day we took a drive up the Cheddar Gorge, always a favourite, at the top we took a side road and got lost. As soon as we found out where we were we took another side road and got lost again. We drove through some beautiful countryside. we drove past a cider apple orchard, all the trees were is flower. It was beautiful.

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