I think I have a really bad case of Pine Mouth. I woke up this morning and after drinking my first cup of tea, began to experience the most bitter taste in my mouth. I've googled and apparently this phenomenonan occur after eating pine nuts (which I did yesterday). Anyone experienced this? Any tips for combatting it?
I've eaten pine nuts all my life and never had this. I made my own muesli the other day and I put raw cocoa nibs in it as well, and they can be quite bitter. I've heard that Aloe Vera juice and activated charcoal tabs can help.
Apparently this was only reported for the first time last year. I usually toast mine and sprinkle them on a salad, but I ate them raw in muesli yesterday.
Hi No Mercy.
Yep-my OH and I had this last year. It was horrible so I can really sympathise with you. Even drinking tea and coffee was a ghastly experience and nothing, even mints seemed to take the bitter taste away. Ours lasted just over a week and we are now very careful not to eat anything containing pine-nuts which is a shame as we love pasta and pesto :(
Hope it goes away soon for you! xx
I looked in Morrisons yesterday and they are selling Pine Nuts sourced in China - these are the ones people are being warned about (as well as those from other Far Eastern destinations).
There's no change this morning and the only thing that's halfway palatable to me at present is cans of Diet Lilt. :-(