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Thank God, packing is now done...

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Bobbisox | 17:00 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
it seems to have taken me ages with me feeling crap at the moment
anyone like packing?
I do...normally :-(


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I'm a last minute packer. I find if I pack in advance I find I spend more time going back and checking. So I leave it till the last min.
I will look forward to packing up my boxes at the end of the month and moving them down to my new house :-)
I have always hated packing with a passion. It's always been a last minute thing for me. But last year was horrific because I packed for all four of us. I thought I was going completely insane by the time we got in the car to leave!!!!!
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I have done it very half hearted today I'm afraid, normally I am an organized person, I have left it late ummmm, later than normal anyway
I hate this modern day packing, but today you've got to think all the time "Is this allowed" will I get stopped?. I had my manicure set confiscated at Gatwick, never got it back,
Anyway Bobbi how are you now, (Better pack an extra loo roll just in case)
Got ya Imodium? What times your flight.

I think I'm just more strict with the ironing so when I get ready to pack it's all in the wardrobe/drawers ready.
Hope you are feeling much better Bobbi,just wanted to say Dad had his by-pass yesterday,everything as it should be,going off now to trek to the 'boro' to visit. Have a lovely,peaceful holiday,speak when you get back.x
Hope you have a great time and your tummy settles , i always take far to many clothes when i go away
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bloom fantastic news, so glad for all concerned,
Jem I thought I was beginning to 'pick up' but tbh, I feel awful, bad head and still being sick, thanks LB
Ummmm I have ironed to precision and they were laid carefully on the single bed just to put in the cases, I think it's more the restrictions on you now, like toiletries having to go in the case instead of hand luggage
Thank goodness I only ever go to Scotland so I don't have to think about clear bags and hand luggage and weight limits! That would probably finish me off!
In case I don't run into you again, have a nice holiday bobbi!

Bring some sunshine back!
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tanks funnygirl, I hope this is only a 24hr thingy I have..;-(
Theres something to be said for holidaying at home BM
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You probably have mentioned this already bobbi, so apologies, but what part of the world is being blessed by you tomorrow?
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Saturday DT :0) but I will be getting shaved and waxed tomorrow so packing has to be done today, cases weighed and passports and monies checked

Cabanas in the Eastern Algarve x
Didn`t have my specs on and thought you said "Canabis in the Algarve". Whatever, have a wonderful time.
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arh thanks QC, very kind of you ;-)
I pack in advance, always with a list, ticking things off.
I hope you are feeling better and that you have a lovely holiday.
Enjoy it - I always enjoy Portugese food and vino when over there......
I like packing. I find it great fun and exciting esp when packing for vacations. The excitement is just great.

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