A while back I posted a question here about my mother-in-law who had gone from a fine woman to a very strange and negative space. She had lost good friends which I think brought it on.
She was diagnosed with agitated depression and spent months in care at first on medication, mostly Valium and derivatives. The medication itself became more of a problem as it simply dulled her down.
Eventually she was sectioned and they got her off that medication and onto a different type. This helped a bit but after three weeks the doctors said the progress was too slow and they suggested ECT.
From the very first treatment she was well on the comeback. After seven treatments spaced a couple of days apart she went home and has never looked back. She is her old self again and more, almost hyper at times. She is positive, enthusiastic and into life again.
This is a woman who had given up on life, was constantly apprehensive, could barely walk, needed home help, meals-on-wheels etc. Now she is cooking, driving, shopping, gardening and having a great time. We are all so glad to have her back.
A colleague had a similar experience with his father after a mini-stroke though he has had to go back for more treatments.
A family friend fell into depression after her husband died young. She had ECT after drugs did nothing and came back to normal. That was over thirty years ago and she never looked back.