My mother had several TIA's in February and had to move to a Rest Home. She setttled in quite well despite several falls. Last Friday she suffered a stroke and is now in the stroke unit at out local hospital. I was told she has had an acute stroke & it has affected her left side. The last few days she has just been sleeping and I had managed to wake her up for a litle chat but tonight she was in such a deep sleep she wouldnt wake. I am so worried as she;s not eating or drinking (they took the drip out 2 days ago) and when I asked the nurse tonight she said she was too sleepy to give her any. We have a 'family meeting' in a couple of days but after going tonight I'm wondering whether she'll still be here in 2 days.
Is it normal for someone to sleep like this?
Yele, I would be worried myself if she's dehydrating with no drip in - can you ask why this is? I wonder if they have sedated her to help her, bu tyou need to know. I hope they put the drip back in - you need a meeting with the ward staff/doctor.
Thanks for your replies......bednobs, they decided that it wasnt broken afterall....had a scan to confirm it but we're not convinced as she was still complaining it was hurting her - makes me wonder that they knew something that we didnt! Sent her back to the home after 10 days where she detriorated and now this has happened.