this is obviously the thread to mention that when my daughter was young she had a strange lump on her arm which I knicked open with a razor (lived in Rhodesia - miles from anywhere so specialised in DIY surgery) out cam a perfectly encapsulated little spider. Great pics Milly - the first six look like an orbiting planet to me.
Milly she was not best pleased although quite liked being referred to as 'the parasite's host of choice' - hope it soon heals although looks as though it may take a while. Brings a new meaning to 'take care, it's a jungle out there' x
My daughter had the exact same thing a few years ago when she was pregnant with her now 3 year old son, hers was higher up the leg though... almost in her groin.
Ooooh nasty.. I had one similar on the lower part of my leg near the ankle point... mine got worse and worse to the point it had bright red area spreading from the bite out and with track lines.. In the end I went to a&e had to be put on very strong anti-biotics. Still got a mark from it now guess will fade in time as it was only in april it happened,.
Down here in Dorset we have a pest called `The Blandford Fly` and anyone who got bit had a very very nasty wound much like yours only worse. It was quite common also in Oxfordshire
Yep .Very nasty . Same sort of thing I had getting on for a couple of years ago from an insect bite in my lower leg .I had to be pushed about in a wheelchair for a while as I couldn't walk. It was bloody awful and has left me a really horrible scarred leg .
I had five ulcerated holes in my lower leg . Not as huge as your poor leg but still no joy ride .As they gradually healed I found putting Manuka honey on the wounds helped enormously .
So in what situation were you bitten were you asleep? awake? did you see the insect?
When it has healed over, if there is a scar I recommend 'rescue oil' it's the cheaper if not better version of 'bio oil' you rub the oil as often as you can and it will be looking better very soon, you can buy it at discount £1 shops and saver shops and Morisions.
"In what situation were you bitten "
What a silly if insects hang around and say look at me ...."I've just bitten you ".
How would you know what had bitten you if you were asleep at the time .
Any bloomin' thing could bite you and you wouldn't know until it started itching or developed into something worse .