Tiredness, withdrawal from social interaction, lake of attention to personal hygiene, loss of ability to concentrate, loss of appetite or comfort eating, tearfulness, irritability, in severe cases thoughts of extreme worthlessness, thoughts of self harm, also physical symptoms which may simply be an excuse rather than face the psychologial ones, headaches are a common one as in I have a headache which really means I feel too cr@p to deal with this right now.
More rarely loss of insight, loss of self control/self protection.... women sometimes become compulsive shoppers in the early stages men are more likely to gamble or become risk takers either because the results don't matter....or because in the short term the buzz relieves the bad feelings for a while...
Heavy legs? a psychological rejection of the path you are following.... are you in a job or social role you are uncomfortable with only I get the tiredness to the point of not wanting to put one foot in front of the other when I am going into a bad bout so I think I know what you are getting at but its usually when I feel I am going the wrong way in my life
based mostly on personal experience apart from the symptom list at the top