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days you were born

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devilspawn | 20:26 Fri 05th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I was born on a Tuesday... which apparently means Im full of grace.......

aye ... not

what day were you born and do you live up to the saying?


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I am a perfect example of this particular rhyme as I was born on the Sabbath Day............
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Thursday's child has far to go - I'm still waiting lol
Me too Daisya..... lol
For those of you not sure, you can use this site http://www.brainbashe.../dayofweek.asp?post=Y

I was born on a Monday - "fair of face" - <<ppffft>>
I am a Sunday's child!
So I am bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
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10clarion - lol
craft... tescos or waitrose?
And me, Daisya and erin-x. I'd better get my skates on!
I was born on a Sunday too, which means I'm bonnie and blithe, and good and gay!
Saturday's child - life's just not fair!
monday here...I'm not
I'm also a Tuesdays child... and the clumsiest person you could meet
If I hadn't have been a breech-birth I'd have been born on the Sabbath Day which would have been far more appropriate than the Tuesday I eventually arrived.
Saturday....just bloody typical!
i'm a sabbath gal, and i am most def not bonny, good or gay. in fact, i feel quite evil today...x
I believe you Elsie ! x
boxy - rubbish link - it only goes back to 1900 .... :(
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sorry, strange thing happened here - craft, your entry appeared as daisya... thus my answer.....
I'm a Friday's child - loving and giving (mostly)
I'm a Friday's child and like to think I live up to the rhyme (loving and giving)

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days you were born

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