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devillou14 | 19:10 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Science
6 Answers
im looking for a explinaton on the process by which genes and enviroment operate together to influence child development.. help plz im well stuck and need to get the answer in 4 next week and i need a good mark 4 this one help plz... thanx...
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It's often called Nature v Nurture and it might help you to look here http://www.answers.com/nature%20v%20nurture

I've just finished reading "Genome" by Matt Ridley which covered this a little and was a great read.

it is said that a person is born the person they are, and certain factors are determined by nature. (such as body shape, eye colour hair colour etc) but environmental factors have great influence on who we become, friends family our home school etc. we are born with a personality, but the way we live and how we learn determines how our personalities change and evolve: Nurture. the basis of who we are will remain the same but other environmental factors can change us into being a different person. a child learns from the people nearest to them e.g. behaviour is a learnt thing from parents, friends, anybody close to them. genes (nature) determine the basic human set-up, environment (nurture) determines how we change and learn as people.

sorry if that was a bit of a ramble but hope you understand the point im making. good luck!


looks like quite a good website for basic info.

if i find anymore i'll let you know. 


loads of student written essays on the broad topic if you can trawl through them.

let me know if any are useful.

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