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Phobias, do you have any?

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Bobbisox | 13:05 Wed 17th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
134 Answers
Birds are mine...
LL says Golliwogs and Clowns are hers..

do you know why you have a particular phobia?


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i have a phobia that i might get a phobia.....
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a strange one T&S, why?

Im afraid of spiders but thats not a phobia.
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I would have thought spiders is a phobia?

why rats, quizz?
Im scared of fish, I dont know why, Just scare the poo out of me
Maggots - big time.
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I don't like fish either cazzrob, but not as irrational as my fear of birds
i'm not overly keen on flying......... or jack russells
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brenden but do you know why?

stegsy, do you fly though?

I am really interested in why we have such fears and how did they start
terribly arachnophobic - irrationally so. Everytime I pick up a large box at work I fear there is a spider under it running towards my hands.

I think if a large house spider was on me I'd be at serious risk of a heart attack. I often have nightmares about spiders.

My mum was the same, I guess seeing her freak out over spiders when I was young probably didnt help, but not sure if thats 100% the reason.

I've never had a bad experience involving a spider and am fine with other insects, snakes etc.
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There are things I don't like but I'm not terrified of anything. I don't really understand phobias.

My brother who is a big, tough as nails rugby player has a shockingly bad phobia of caterpillers. God knows why but they turn him into a wimpy wreck.
A phobia is not just a fear of something, it is a totally "irrational" fear.
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Booldwang I think there is a certain connection, my mum wouldn't have anything with birds on in the house???
Now I have my daughter terrified of them although not intentionally
we live down a country lane and if I see a pheasant, I have been known to detour a full 2 miles when walking
I'm scared of clowns as well. Not the over the top scary ones like Pennywise but normal, over smiley ones that have that horrible laugh. My stomachs goin funny just thinking about it :| I also really don't like people dressed up with their faces covered. At placement this year the kids got a visit from the sixty second kid, a keep fit mascot who was basically a giant clock. I stood behind one of the children until he left! I hate things like that lol x
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Triggs did I not read somewhere you were frightened of spiders?
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awww erin xxx
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Phobias, do you have any?

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