Nah, not surprised at all.
Me and my Mum went to see her last year, and she was rubbish. Slightly off her head, I think.
I've seen her show on Living TV and it always amazes me when she meets "celebs" and they're gobsmacked by what she tells them. It's not difficult though, is it. We could all pick up a gossip magazine and feed them a load of botox.
We saw Colin Fry last year, too. He is the "best"... absolutely hilarious!
He told a member of the audience that he had his late father with him, and that he was playing the trumpet.
The chap looked really confused and said he couldn't play any instruments and didn't really like music. Colin started back-peddling and got in a bit of a state... then came out with the beauty "well, he wants you to know, that he *always* wanted to play the trumpet".
Yeah, course he did Colin...