I got The Phone Call today at work...you know, the one that sends your heart plummeting to your boots....from school, the one that starts "don't panic but..."
Anyhoo, Mini Boo went flying and landed on her face whilst playing on a scooter during her during her dinner break. I went tearing down there to find her feeling extremely sorry for herself, with a grazed elbow and knee, and her two front top teeth wobbling and bleeding like mad. I was mortified and spent half hour cuddling and holding an ice pack to her mouth. She then decided she was well enough to go back into school- she didn't want to go home. So off she was shunted and I went back to. As im walking back to work, i got thinking about it, as you do, and got more and more angry that a) they're even on scooters a lunchtime, there's 100's of kids there to start with, it's just asking for trouble- right? and b) why if they're on scooters why they aren't issued with helmets and pads?
I'm 99% convinced im going to go into school tomorrow and (calmly i hasten to add!) say that im not happy with what happened and I don't want her on a scooter again unless she's suitable protected, etc etc etc. I don't let her on a bike or scooter at home without protection, why is the school taking such liberties with my baby?
Am I right? would others do this? Or am I over reacting?
(PS- i also going to try and get our dentist to have a look at her, teeth still wobbling but hanging on, but her gums look horribly bruised and swollen)
sorry B00 but from an outsiders (ie i have no children) point of view you seem to be overreacting. Kids play on scooters, kids get bashed. you don't need them wrapped up in cotton wool all the time. If she had a scooter at home, would you insist on helmet, pads etc?
I would not be happy about this. Seems a bit of a bonkers thing to let the kids do really (quite unexpected with all the elf and safety about). I would calmly go and say something (but I know that I would get irritated by the patronising clap trap that they will undoubtedly come out with). Hope Mini Boo is feeling better tomorrow, bless her.
Im amazed when i see little crx playing and speeding around the playground at nursery of a scooter (albeit a big wide one) when i try and keep her well protected at home. I do often wonder if i am too protective of her though even when she falls over at home for the slightest thing lol
it wont hurt to perhaps ask why the school dont have protective gear to offer and express you concerns.
i hope mini B00 hasnt got any lasting damage to her teeth x
Yes, i do, as ive stated Bednobs, she's not allowed on her bike or scooter without them.
Even if i didnt, that would be my problem (and hers too i guess) if an accident happened, but this is a school, one ive entrusted to care for her as well as teach- wouldn't you think they'd prioritise safety?
ps did you have a scooter/bike when you were little (her age)? Did you wear a helmet? did bigger boo have one? did she wear helmets/knee pads? I think if you make a fuss, you'll just make everyone elses children miserable, cause the school will probably withdraw the scooters as they wouldn't be able to police the helmet/pads thing
My thinking exactly Red, im utterly amazed they even allow it in the first place. I know Reception call has trikes etc, but she's in year 2, and in the big yard, there's 100's of kids running ragged round there, doesn't sound safe to me.
to be blunt ,and possibly Grinchlike here Bednobs, i hope they do. As I'd hate for other parents to get THAT phonecall. Her teeth look horrible not ot mention obviously gonna come out before they're ready to, her gums are bruised and quite frankly after seeing her cry over her tea as it "hurts to eat" i think you'd be marginally upset at the school too.
No, i didn't have helmets as a child, but Elder Mini Boo did.
I don't want to get attacked here but would a helmet have prevented her hitting her mouth? At the nursery I was on placement at, the children had helmets for the bikes but not scooters.
i imagine the school will have done all kinds of risk assessments so would be well aware of any possible problems and have decided that it's safe enough.
no harm going in to tell them how you feel but personally i think the same as bednobs but if you don't feel happy with mini BOO playing on a scooter without the protection you feel she needs, then perhaps it's down to you to tell the school that in future she's not allowed to use the scooter.
i have two sons BOO, and would be perfectly happy for them to have played on a scooter at school without wearing pads and helmets.
Possibly not erin, but id have thought a school would emhasise safety...right? Her accident highlighted to me that a) it was even going on in the first place and B) no protective gear is supplied at all.
Maybe i am being over protective then <shrug>, but ive told her she's not to play on the scooter again. I'm still going to go to school and voice my unhappiness to them. Hell if necessary i'll even send her helmet and pads with her!
Boy #2 and girl go to a small primary school and I wouldn't want them on scooters - it's just asking for an accident. Whilst some of the stuff the school does irritates me immensely (particularly the healthy eating kick that they are on) I suppose they are quite hot on elf and safety so the risks to my kids are minimized.
to me it just seems a shame that mini boo will probably be the only one not allowed on a scooter. But you are right, she is yur baby and you must do what you feel is right. What does Mr B00 think?