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If women ruled the world..

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wolf63 | 22:12 Fri 30th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I stole this from Facebook.



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I actually saw that today on FB, made me laugh. Wonder if the Ed would let me use it as my profile pic ;)
I also saw this on FB, very funny, made me
Very funny :-)
Brings tears to a glass eye
If women ruled the world . . .
Looks awfully painful. Would he be worth anything after that?
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I read the title of this thread, and was just about to say something quite profound ..... and then I clicked on the link.


Night guys. Sleep tight. x
Very pretty, but perhaps the ladies would prefer this?

. . . or, for simple practicality, this?
We women do rule the world, but the males dont know it.
Hi Dolt.

Here's the species which REALLY rules the world ;-)
You are so right. Cats rule - well they do in this house
Chico, thats what I mean, you men, you're all pussy whipped.
Hi Nungate.

You've reminded me to ensure that I put fresh food out for 'Noisy' before I go to bed but that probably won't stop her waking me up in 3 or 4 hours time, just because she wants some fuss. (It's like having a new-born baby in the house here - never a full night's sleep! And she's not even my cat!)
I think that I'd better reserve comment on that post!
Try to remember the old saying. Dogs have masters - cats have staff
We run around after 4 of the little monsters just leave out food and close the door, it works for us but be sure to be up early(ish) in the morning to dish out breakfast - you can always go back to bed afterwards
Noisy is weird. (But she's a cat, so that's hardly surprising!). She'll come through the cat flap and walk straight past a bowl of fresh food to come and miaow at me. She likes me to make a fuss of her and then escort her to the bowl !
We have one like that, she'll sit and yowl until you either fetch the bowl to her or take her to it! Not really that much you can do, just make with the fuss (or as it's known in this house as fur and purr) and guide her to the bowl
My only alternative would seem to be to feed Noisy solely on tuna. (As soon as I open a can her attention is fixed solely on the tuna and on absolutely nothing else at all!)

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If women ruled the world..

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