well with the news my bloke just had and going to visit his mum, he cried yesterday and it was the first time I've ever seen him cry. It was heartbreaking. Just got me thinking is there a difference between men and women? do men cry less ? When was the last time you cried and when was the last time your partner did. Mine was last week watching pride of britain awards.
my husband has cried once in 35 years. It was before we were married and a terrible tragedy for him. I only saw a man cry this once and dont want to see it again. I can cry but rarely do. Some things can bring tears to my eyes, and subo singing I dreamed a dream can do this (sorry!)
Probably a few months ago, I tend to cry more if I'm angry or frustrated rather than just sad or touched by something. I think because there was still that thing around when I grew up that men were macho and don't cry, I find men crying way more heart breaking than women.
I shed a couple of tears when watching Independence Day earlier, the bit where the president's wife dies and he tells his little daughter that mummy has gone to sleep. I also cried after reading an article about a family with a severely disabled 18 year old daughter on the DM website this morning.
I think I cry quite easily (and often) but always in private.
I've only seen my oh cry once in the 18 years i've known him and that was when his dad was ill in hospital with pneumonia.
I can cry in front of my OH but don't cry in front of others as a rule. On certain occaisions I have cried in front of close members of the family though.
It's easier for me to cry about things that are emotive but removed from me; such as a film or the clips on children in need, etc but things that matter I tend to lock the feeling away inside. Not at all good, it's better for the mental health to get it out.
Me, about an hour ago. Don't think I ever saw my husband cry except to well up a bit when sad stories were on tv about children or animals. Always remember the only time I saw my Dad cry. It was when we emigrated to Australia and he said goodbye to his Mum. I've never forgotten that as it upset me so much.
I cried a couple a weeks ago when I watched the Railway Children (again). I start to cry even before she sees her Daddy getting off the train at the end. My OH cried when his Mum died this earlier this year. I have old postcard/photos of WW1 soldiers and they make me well up sometimes.
Hiya forgetmenot. I last cried at my brothers funeral on sept 27th --cried buckets. My hubbie sobbed when at his mums funeral in 1994. I havent known him to cry since --but he's good at hiding his true feelings, so maybe theres been many more tears since.His eyes fill with tears watching sad films on tele though
I cry - mostly frustration when I am really tired - I actually find it quite cathartic. The last time I cried with sadness was not all that long ago, missing Rover still.
think I'm like you madmaggot I cry loads at sad things on tv, I tend to cry when I see close ones hurt, then I feel bad because I shouldnt be the one crying. When at funerals I am started off when I see my family cry.
Horseshoes railway children?? Really? Ha ha
I have shed a lot of tears in the middle of the night, during the daytime people made comments about how well I am able to cope.
Don't think that what you see is all there is to know about people's feelings. In my experience the softer you are inside the harder the shell you have to grow in order to get through.