yup...pushy, determined and infatuated from first sight! you have to say how you feel and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and you have to brave the disappointment or hurt in order to experience love and joy - i don't think you can have one without the other! 20 years and a lot of love, heartache and work later, we still love each other in the face of significant problems...but it's all worth it. you know when you find a good one - and that's the time to be brave. you are who you are and will find someone who accepts that and loves you just for that. try to be more chilled about it - it's not a race and you may kiss a few frogs before finding a prince. but also learn from your experiences - i think it's far better to be on your own and happy that with someone for the sake of it. be choosy and things will all fall into place. you also have to like yourself first before you can be effective in relationships. as for the key ingredient or 'recipe' for doing this - that's beyond me, but there is someone out there for everyone and you will find yourself that man you dream of if you put the work in. good luck x