I've mentioned in the past on AB that my first wife was a violent alcoholic. She would drink a 1 litre bottle of Martini every night, and sometimes a 2 litre bottle. Every night she turned into a monster and she often smashed the house up and attacked me with anything she could lay her hands on. Her favourite trick was to boil the kettle and throw that at me. Twice I ended up in A&E - once with an 18" blister up my back and the police begging me to press charges! Best of all was the fact I was the one who had to go every night and buy her Martini for her! If I didn't she was worse than when she drank the stuff.
We separated and divorced many years ago but even now I can't walk down the alcohol aisle of the supermarket, nor can I look at an off-licence. I know where off-licences are in the town but I can't look at them. I can't go in pubs and hear the chink of bottle on glass and watch people drinking. In the past it's really shaken and upset me to see those rows of bottles and that green-and-white Martini bottle as it brings it all back.
Things like that do affect people very much. It affects me even now many years after I last saw my first wife.