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Out of my comfort zone

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pa___ul3 | 12:22 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
because I'm clean shaven! I hate it, it doesn't feel like me!
Some people are saying I look 10 years younger but I just think it makes me look like a meff!

Anything that would seem normal to anyone else push you completely out of your comfort zone?


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Are you doing Movember Paul?
Are you doing "Movember"... Starting on a blank canvas?
Wearing a skirt or dress. Can't bear it. Can't remember when I last wore either. And it's not because I have horrible legs!!

Grow your stubble back Paul. I can understand why you don't like clean shaven.
Drinking in busy pubs, I used to do it all the time but these day I just can't stand it. I suppose the older I get the more I like my dog.
Mine would be wearing flats, I guess.
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it is for Movember yeah, I certainly wouldn't do it for any other reason!! The lass hates it too!
What are your plans, Paul. Standard 'tash, Hitler style, or one of those ones that you curl up the ends?

I think the latter :D
On holiday to Wales...did the longdevils bridge walk down steep steps..wet slippery over a flimsy looking bridge...half the route back was slate ledges rather than proper steps...low walls sheer drops... I have vertigo ...terrified most of the way round...sweating and feeling a complete idiot... faced a lot of my fears... all on my own.. but the kick I got from might not be much to most people but to me it was so far from my comfort zone that I could have been walking on the moon
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good stuff Rowan, to do that on your own is impressive!!

flip, I'm thinking a kind of handlebar the same as last year, kind of Charles Bronson-esque.. i.e as beardy as possible whilst staying within the rules!! I tried a few last night while swizzing... with just a normal 'Kevin Webster' style muzzy I looked like a cross between a 50 odd year old American military dad and that weird caretaker chap off the scream films... basically a no way jose!!
big is always better and it is more likely to generate interest from the unaware
Hahaha @ "Kevin Webster". Not a good look!

Excellent stuff! My brother in law did it last year. Looked like a complete loon, but such a worthwhile cause.. :-)
A good mate of mine did it too. He looked ridiculous, but I paid up anyway... ;-)
Get growing that 'tash, Mark! :-)
It doesn't suit me - I've tried!
It's only for a month... and for charity :)
If it's for prostate cancer again, I'll be donating anyway...
What's a meff?
going somewhere toatlly new!!!! hate it hate it hate it!!!
scary, rowanwitch - wouldn't it be easier just to grow a moustache?

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