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silver box

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Ankou | 12:00 Fri 18th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

i discovered a grey hair in my pubic region this morning - is my sex life officially over?

should i dye it red, trim it into a heart shape and hope nobody notices?


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Too much information
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as no one else will see it, dont fret !
Veet time :-)
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yes this is serious.

i was just wondering what people in this situation do, you know like ummm, lofty, b00, aog* etc etc.

* i'd prefer not to dye it union jack colours.
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A quick tweak and it'll be gone!
Oooh! Itchy!
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dye it like the Brazilian flag, for metaphorical effect
Just leave it there will be more along soon.
I remember finding my first one, I was quite shocked. I thought to myself ''nobody told me about this when I was a kid''. Oh well!
dont pluck it out , youll grow two back !
bikini hair remover.... apparently you can't get goldenballs any more which was a mens product
There was a saying by Samantha when she found a grey pubic hair in an episode of Sex in the City - it went...........'No one wants to fcuk Grandma's pussy'..........(:o))
DEN you have just made me spill my coffee...PMSL
"i was just wondering what people in this situation do, you know like ummm, lofty, b00, aog* etc etc."


And FYI- neither myself or anyone else has seen out of my nether regions since 1997, can't be doin' with all that shenanigans, so I'll be no help to you.
Boo why would anyone be seeing out of your nether regions

i'm not thinking about that my eyes might bleed
and i need brain bleach
pre bleach then dye with polycolour or similar
lol @ seeing out of your nether regions, does it wear glasses?

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