My friend's father has Alzheimer's. A couple of weeks ago he started dragging his feet and now he can't walk and has been hospitalised. Is this due to his illness or something else?
Thanks sqad. He doesn't recognise his wife now, well, hasn't for the past couple of months but this is the first physical problem he's had so just wanted to know if it was linked with his illness. Any idea as to what to expect in the near future?
These symptoms do sound very familiar... especially the hallucinations. Daytime seems to be OK but at nightfall he gets very agitated; he was a teenager during WWII in French and is always mentioning the Gestapo. His brothers were in the 'resistance' and needs to lock up, close the shutters.... He falls too, quite a lot. I'll mention this illness to my friend so thank you so very much naomi.
I don't know what to say, coccinelle. I have some considerable experience of this saddest and cruellest of afflictions. My heart goes out to you all. Much love. x
Naomi , I've talked with my friend tonight and it seems the doctors have mentioned this illness to the family. This is now what the family have been told.
It's such a horrible illness as it attacks your brain so you can't function normally. My thoughts also go out to your friend. xx
coccinelle, from your description, I'm not surprised. Apart from my friend who is currently suffering, this is a subject that is very close o my heart and your question brings back painful memories to me. It has to be the cruellest condition of all. So very, very sad. My thoughts are with you all. x
Alzheimer's can take many different directions, it is likely that the dragging of the feet is due to this illness, its impossible to say what will happen in the future, I work with many people suffering from varying degree of Dementia they all have very different symptoms and all behave very differently.
I wish your friend and her family good luck for the future.
I really feel for your friend and the family and for you as a friend as well. It is so difficult seeing people you care about changing in this way. All I can say to your friend is please always remember that although these changes have taken place and more may come, the person inside is still and always will be the dad she loves. I wish the family stregth and courage for this sad journey, as they will suffer more from this that the dad, as he may well not be aware of the changes that are happening. Hugs!
Thank you so much for your heart felt feelings. it is so sad and what I feel is a pity there are members of the family who won't see him as they say what's the point he doesn't recognise me. He thought his son was the doctor! I can imagine how hard that is to hear but I'm sure being surrounded by people who love you must help the patient in some way. At the moment through physio they are hoping to get him walking again so he could get back home but he doesn't seem to want to respond. The future isn't bright...