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why did I bother ?

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Dee Sa | 19:00 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I stood behind an old english guy in the post office cum supermarket.
He wished the man behind the PO counter a merry xmas and asked what they were doing on xmas day, the PO guy [Asian] looked a bit uncomfortable and said oh the usual things, then I was behind the same old boy to pay for my grocery items and he started to talk to me & ask me the same questions so I tried to explan to him they are not Christians in this shop they dont celebrate xmas they are all Hindus and he replied
"whats a Hindu ?" luckily it was his turn to be served.


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Personally I wouldnt have said that. I know Sikhs who do celebrate christmas!
Is this a set-up for the punch-line "Lays eggs!"...?
I do too, my Muslim friends still have a family get together and a celebratory meal. TBH most non-Christians I know don't get upset about questions like that, they just take it in their stride and in the spirit it's intended.
None of my Sikh friends celebrate Christmas, and if they did I'd never go for Xmas dinner as they are vegans :-)
Craft yes, you are right, they are not celebrating Christmas per se, but still enjoy the family get together, the lights, the feeling of goodwill.

Thay do have xmass look
Poor old guy. They usually get stick for being miserable old crustys...then when they're polite and do talk to others nicely, they still get grief.
My Sikh mate celebrates Christmas and eats anything going.

His wife is away in India right now and he called me a bit lonely and bored so I suggested he buy in crap take away food and beer and watch porn. His response was "you know me too well".
^ I must mix with the wrong Sikhs.............
I think you do Crafty. I have two good mates who are sikhs and they are both very naughty boys!!!!!!!
Islam is against transsexuals but still men pay them for sex in karachi. Mankind is by nature imperfect.
Do you know them in a professional capacity, Barmaid?
nice one markrae.
One is a personal friend but also a professional colleague, Sandy. (Although he is friend first, colleague second). The other is just a mate. We've had some great times together too.
OK. When you mentioned that they were naughty I thought for a moment that they needed you to represent them.
lol, goodness me, no! The one who is also a professional colleague is probably one of the finest lawyers of his generation. I am in total awe of him. If he doesn't make the Supreme Court in a judicial capacity I shall be astounded.
I have a muslin colleague who is having a traditional english christmas minus the religious bit with her boyfriend... a sikh family who have had their decorations up since november and have a big family get together I have to say most of the sikh men I have known have been party animals
It does appear that the religous bit has gone out of Christmas. it's so nice that people of other faiths in our country can accept that Christmas is just a time to be happy and show love to all. perhaps it will help bring peace to this planet.
Jesus wasnt born in December and Christmas wasnt in December.We just choose to celebrate it then.
well teddy-boy, I think they( whoever they were) picked the perfect time for the British to celebrate Christmas. just after the shortest day, new life into the world with the thought of spring coming. can't imagine being in australia and having Christmas on the beach.

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