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Santa Claus

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flump1 | 21:35 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Who do you reckon gives Santa a present ( and no smutty mrs claus answers please ) !


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The elves all club together and get him a joint present. Everybody knows that!!
I have written a book to that.....for 5 -7 year olds - that it is the elves and they collect all the Xmas trees left out to recycle them and use the pine needles to make a special soup for Mr and Mrs Santa.

The wine, I haven't decided....NoM?
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all the kids leave him out pies, isnt that present enough? think the elves get him something and go to elfbay to get ideas ;) put some cookies out for him to take home to mrs Claus
Yeah mon ...
I think knowing he has made millions of children happy is his present to himself!
there's a Xmas ode to you all over on Mad over 50s.....
I'm not over 50!
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Santa Claus

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