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Comfort Zone!

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Jemisa | 23:38 Tue 27th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Is there anyone out there who doesn't like being out of their 'Comfort Zone'?
I'll go places but I get bored easy and want to go home. Even visiting my own kids in their homes I can't wait to go home.
I'm ok with people coming to me but going to them after a couple of hours thats enough. perhaps its something to do with getting older I dunno or is it just me and a phobia I've gained?



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im exactly the same :-)
Even when I've been on a marvellous holiday I sigh with pleasure when I open my own front door.............
Me too. I always like to get back to my own home.
I'm the same...
Me - but it doesn't apply to holidays as the weather is usually better than here so in that respect I don't want to come home. My friends all take the mickey out of me as "I don't like change!"
Me seven :)
I prefer home comforts these days, had an old mate round boxing day , he brought a bottle of mateus rose with him, mrs owd and i had a small glass he had the rest, had his turkey, and fell asleep. Im sure he would rather been at home.
If I go to nearest big town, I heave a sigh of relief once I hit road to my village.
Me too - now that I'm older.
Maybe a little more now I'm getting older but I've moved around so much I've never really settled in one disctinct place as such.

It depends on what I'm doing really though I'm a lot more of a homebody than I have been previously - one of my former work colleagues used to call me a little nomad haha!

I do like to come home after a night out though, despite offers to stay over (with friends, not those kind of offers!) I'd always rather come back to my own home (or even a hotel room of my own - I did live in a bargain hotel for a while though haha) though think it's my own space more than anything.

I tend to go out rather than have people here, I do like having my own space to myself, maybe from living on my own for a good few years.

I have been thinking more and more recently though about having somewhere I can really call my own and have all cosy and as I like it where I can settle properly though it's seemed to have been tempting fate a little of late. I couldn't do some of the things I've done in the past when I was younger and more transient.
Hence the well known saying "There's No Place Like Home"
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Exactly carlton.

I'm a home-body, would much rather stay at home [I think it's an age thing]
There's nothing like your own bed and a mug of tea just the way you like it
and not having to go outside for a cigarette [my choice, I know!]
or East,west home's best
I take my pillows on holidays - took two this year jammed in the suitcases (would be thoroughly miserable without them).
re the above answers, i wonder how many have pets waiting for them at home ?
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I think I'm the opposite - I go and visit my Sister and DON'T want to come back home or go back to work.
I'm the same Jem, we've had some wonderful holidays in our motorhome, abroad and here but from the minute we set off I am counting down the days to we come home. Spent 3 days over Christmas at daughters (Only 1 mile up the road) couldn't wait to come home even though we had a great time with 5 grandchildren. Baby sitting there tonight - couldn't wait to come home. I am a real homebody!

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