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Plans for the weekend?

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AB Editor | 17:51 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
How is everyone planning on spending their weekend?

My plans extend no further than home-made pizza this evening!


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22:19 Fri 20th Jan 2012
Sleeping as much as possible.
Hoping Stokemaverick has tips for tomorrow.
getting cold, wet and muddy in a field in Liverpool whilst chasing men.
Tonight is film night, undecided which one yet.
Tomorrow i've got work, a kids party and looking after an ill Elder Mini Boo.
Sunday, work and Elder Mini Boo again.

All in all, it's gonna pretty much blow my weekend :-(
unless i can sucessfully hunt down fatboy and get some money i'm doing bugger all
Pub tonight. Curry tomorrow night for mummy's birthday. Sunday chillin.
Taking the waggy one for walks and housework.

Riveting stuff.
TV catch up this evening with an Indian feast, partly homemade with a couple of supermarket additions due to dodgy freezer labelling.

Tomorrow will be a duvet day, hectic week of socialising has left me sleep deprived.

Sunday, Mr Cake will be DIYing and I will cook him something delicious to reward his DIY efforts - could vary between bread and dripping or something more elaborate depending on the output of his DIY!
Got to attend a course for work all day Saturday and going to a late Christmas party on Sunday. Off Monday. :)
I think Im going to my sil's for the day. Can't wait to see her as we get on really well and always have a great time. Also shes a mean cook so will stuff us full of all manner of deliciousness .... slurp :)
no mercy. thats no way to talk about your boyfriend !!!!!!!!
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It's Chinese New Year, so I suppose I could justify some Dim-Sum over the weekend at some point.

Pa__ul, I'm pretty sure there's more effective ways of finding love.

B00 - that doesn't sound fun.

Sounds good Zacs.

Daffy, you seem to have the right idea :)
Working :( Tres boring!
Same here (working) 13+ hours tomorrow. I`m beside myself with the joy of it
Hope to go up a mountain, weather permitting. Otherwise, chillin'
Evening Ed.

Working tomorrow (08:30 - 17:00 hours) - really looking forward to that. Lazy day Sunday and looking forward to the Football.
Not much as still taking it easy so a quiet one tonight with a stash of chewing nuts and sexy vampires. Been offered a ticket for BGT filming tomorrow but the thought of having to stand in a queue for hours in his weather tomorrow with no guarantee of getting in is not really appealing to me right now - apart from it being unlikely I can stand that long. I don't watch it anyway but a friend is auditioning.

Probably the usual, boosting the coffee economy in Manchester going and catching up with friends.
I'm buying a slow cooker and and loads of nappies and things from Tesco's baby event!

And catching up on much needed sleep.

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