this was someone's question on another well known website, and i found this very interesting for want of a better word?
Original question from a woman
I get dizzy spells, blocked ears and blurred vision?
For about a year now I have had blocked ears. It feels like I have water in them all the time. I have been to the doctors but they can not find anything. For the past couple of weeks I have had dizzy spells and am now suffering with blurred vision. People have mentioned my blood pressure and thyroid but just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems
These can happen w/ thyroid disease.
Have you had your thyroid tested? You need testing for thyroid ANTIBODIES as well as TSH. TSH ‘norm’ should be .3 – 3 (w/ most feeling best at < 2) but, for diagnosis, would not matter if ANTIBODIES are present. Indicative of Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis (cycles between hyper & hypo at start)…main cause of HypOthyroid & is worse (...OR Graves Disease - HypERthyroid).
WARNING: Doctors seem not to want to find/treat thyroid disease. You may have to go to more than one doctor before you get the right tests, interpretation, and treatment. Best wishes.
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14:56 Sun 05th Feb 2012