I dreamt of a big spider last night, it had a fat orange belly, and it was very very big, it was crawling towards me, and my youngest stepped on it by accident whilst i was looking for a jar to put it in, and it was squirming, it wasn't dead though, i was terrified...i woke up in a sweat when she stepped on it, as i panicked. What does this mean, im so anxious since.
Hi rozia, I'm sorry to hear you had such a disturbing dream, I have bad dreams like that too sometimes, and I know how weird that feels. I wouldn't listen to people who say dreams don't mean anything, because they do. (Not like the "Dream Dictionaries" say with the symbolism...like if you dream of water you're going to go travelling etc.) If you think about it,...
zhukov, that's not nice, don't reply if you are going to continue to be a horrible child in a school playground. I do panic over anything, even if it looks minor to others, im forever anxious, and a dream like that makes me worse.