A good friend of mine suffers from excema, and spends hours every morning applying creams, which are expensive and time consuming. She also cannot go swimming or get caught in the rain, or even cry without her tubs of cream present, as her skin drys so much it cracks. Her father has said he will pay for acupuncture for her 21st Bday if she can prove to him it works. Can anyone advise?
you cant ever guarantee that acupuncture will work..it may work for one and not another..its worth a try though..also she could try one of those chinese herbalists they are supposed to be quite good.
I suffered quite badly with excema until my mid twenties and found Chinese herbalism was the only thing that gave me any relief when it was bad. I was living in London at the time and not earning very much but scraped together enough money for 2 weeks treatment during which time my skin healed beautifully. Treatment consisted of a foul foul brew made from boiling herbs for 45 mins and a menthol smelling cream. Suggest to your friend that they hunt out a good herbalist.