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tommy3169 | 01:13 Tue 10th Apr 2012 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
what is the lifespan of an unhealthy 13 year old male and what are the signs that you have


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. do you know that this 13year old unhealthy male has HPV?

Good morning, by the way.
A current 13 year old who continues with an unhealthy life style will probably die of coronary heart disease or cancer before they are 70

easy info here
rowan....maybe.....maybe......but tommy hasn't answered my question as to how how knows h has HPV.

ANYDODY who continues an unhealthy lifestyle is likely to die before they are 70 years of age.

I cannot grasp what the OP is getting at.
I think he's a lad with a spot on his willy and he's fretting about it... you know what its like they keep checking them at that age cos they change so much.. and so often.... :-)
rowan....;-) maybe.
Question Author
Cause I am the kid and I have had spots for 2 years and yes I have had sex already

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