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Sleeping Positions...

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erin-x | 21:14 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Something on facebook made me think about this so I delved further :)

It's an old article but according to BBC news, the position you sleep in gives an insight into your personality.

I'm a freefaller... what they say sounds about right to me!!


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They don't have a 'lie on top of your partner' position.
And if I do all of those? I think I'm a.....
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Well you can create different categories... What does that position say about you Ummmm? ;)

Judge has already explained his.... he's clearly a basket case! haha! ;)
Used to be freefall, but arthritic spine stops me, so I'm more starfish now.

Sometimes, foetus, and they are about right for me too
What a load of utter rubbish.
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You think Micmak? Do you feel like that about any body language? I'm genuinely curious btw, i'm not being sarcastic or anything.
Body language is very telling, not sure about sleep positions because I use most of those depends how I feel or if it's cold or hot or I am alone or sharing a bed- lots of variables for me, but I think generally body language is pretty reliable.
I boss him about in my sleep :-)
I don't know what position I sleep in as I am asleep at the time !
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We'll call that 'The Boss' then Ummmm :)

I would think the same Nox but I only feel truly comfortable in that one position so I always end up that way even if I make a conscious choice of trying to sleep another way. Does that make sense? lol!
I suppose most of the time I'm a freefaller as well come to think of it but I do use all of them periodically.
I'm not any of them, and it changes - but I do agree with the leg sticking out of the duvet model.
I get comfortable in the recovery position but wake myself on and off by heaving my bloated carcass into different positions throughout the night.
Probably explains my general tiredness of a day.
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I sometimes wake myself up if i'm having a restless night... I usually do a whole 360° and end up where I started!!! haha!
they don't mention those of us who have to share the bed with a.n.other and a covey of cats - there's no room in our bed for the extended positions!
I do believe in body language, but not when you're asleep. I often wake up hot and stick my leg out of the bed, then I get cold and pull it back in again. Does this behaviour suggest I blow hot and cold in my temperament during waking hours?
I sleep however the dogs will let me....
LOL micmak, I do the same.
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No... I think you're taking it a bit too literally. Would you say that about fanning yourself when you're hot during the day?

It's about the basic position you favour when sleeping, not everything you do while asleep.
It would appear that I love my OH when we go to sleep. Tolerate him during the night and hate his guts in the morning.

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