After no menstruation for 13 months I suddenly started bleeding yesterday. Does anyone know if this is common/normal? Googling turns up some worrying links, the first being one that says the NHS dictat is all post menopausal bleeding is cancer until proved otherwise.
Do I really need to see a doctor for this or can I safely ignore it? I hate doctors!
i had no show for well over a year..but stillhad a wee bit bleed..don't google..we will all be dying of something !!!! ..nothing heavy but then i never was !
No-one likes going to the dr. but you should go and get checked out. For the sake of a few minutes you can have peace of mind or get a problem sorted.
It's ten years since I went through the menopause and at the end of last year, I had a small bleed. Dr. said it was a polyp and sent me to local hospital. They said it was a large fibroid which they could remove in day surgery. This was done and when it was examined, there were cell changes and I recently had a hysterectomy. It's burying your head in the sand to ignore any unexpected bleed.
Sqad where are you ? get back here now..I have patients waiting !!!..seriously it is probably nowt but that will not stop the worry..if it persists the gp will not mind !
Was that from an NHS website? It seems a bit unlikely somehow. You should contact your doctor if you need to put your mind at rest, but I cannot believe that a legitimate NHS website would diagnose cancer in this way.
I tend to take all info found via Google with a very large pinch of salt :)
I really don't want to go to the doctor if I can avoid it. Despite the fact I have chronic and severe lung disease I haven't been to see my GP for well over a year. That is how much I dislike doctors. lol
I really think you should go to the doctor - I had post menopausal bleeding and it did turn out to be cancer. I'm not saying all post menopausal bleeding will be cancer but it really isn't worth taking the risk. Mine was found early and after an hysterectomy I'm fine.
Murray, to be blunt... I am dying of lung disease anyway so would probably refuse any life prolonging treatment if I were found to have cancer. My family are all aware of my deteriorating health.
This is just what happened to me last month. After 11 months of no periods I had one and it was just that, a period for 4 days. Will see this month. I did have a shock 3 weeks before and wonder if this didn't trigger it. Just after losing my husband (a shock too) a couple of years ago and after no periods for 6 months they came back for 6 months. My gynaecologist said shock can sometimes do this.
Don't want to be the voice of gloom and doom but please go and have it checked out. Exactly the same happened to me three years ago. Went to doctors, he sent me for a check up at the hospital and within three weeks I was in the Christie in Manchester for a total hysterectomy. Luckily in my case that was all I needed. No chemo or radiotherapy and have never felt better, and the bonus is no more smear tests required. You will never forgive yourself if you leave it. Please get it checked.
a quick smear test won't hurt and the nurse will do it!
but yes, some perfectly normal 'period-like' bleeds may still occur for a while yet*!
(*anecdotally, especially if you have been breathing in hormones from other women! have you recently flown in a cramped plane, camped/caravanned or shared a room with a younger female or someone on HRT? happens all the time on girl guide holidays!)
Cath, no I haven't been around any women whatsoever apart from one of my daughters, so your theory is highly unlikely.
Even if it were to turn out there was something sinister going on I would not want any treatment, surgery would be out of the question as I am unable to have general anaesthesia due to my lung disease.
Thanks for your concern ladies but I have decided to not worry about it and will not be visiting my doctor.