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Do you worry about upsetting othe posters ?

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Mick-Talbot | 11:43 Mon 28th May 2012 | ChatterBank
125 Answers
We all have strong views on certain things, mine are probably smoking and letting kids eat rubbish .
There are probably posters on here who do let their kids eat certain meals because they are easy, bang it in the microwave and hey presto, job done.

Do I worry if my comments upset them ?
No !

I'm no angel, I know when I go out I drink too much . (off you go if you want to have a bite back). ;0)


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Smokers should be shot.
No I don't worry about upsetting people but I view this as I view any other social conversation and would put my point politely (most of the time lol)
PS I agree if the do it near me
I wouldn't intentionally upset anyone. But I am sarcastic and have a warped sense of humour that sometimes causes problems. I don't drink so that can't be my excuse.
I would not intend to upset other posters. However I admit to lacking tact at times.
If smokers are not affecting you in any way why should they be shot?

I smoke but never near anyone who doesn't.
I try to remember that it is real people at the other end of each post....however you can't account for the life issues of every last individual so it is possible that a perfectly reasonable answer will inadvertantly cause pain to one of the myriad folk on the site at any one time .... all you can do in that circumstance is apologise and move on...
Depending on the question does depend on whether or not I worry about upsetting someone. I don't do it intentionally, but I certainly say ti like it is, or, usually, refrain from replying
The one question I always (rarely) never reply to are the 'Am I pregnant?' ones
So many sarcastic and blunt replies that pop into my head would most likely get me suspended
If people really get upset by what they read on here then it's probably advisable to just unplug the computer and never ever go on any website ever again.
I agree, Evian
I think that with the number of people who use AB any comment you make has the potential of upsetting someone. Even the language you use and the way you phrase it may be a potential spark.
So I comment away and hope that what I say upsets no one, or the least possible number!
I fear for the ones that are TOO touchy on here sometimes, you make a sarky bit of wit and they're off crying.

having said that no-one should be upset and you (AB'ers) do have me in tears of laughter sometimes.
I would never set out to upset someone. I have felt for a few ABers who have been at the receiving end of some nasty comments they didn`t deserve.
My humour can sometimes be misunderstood but that happens off here too.
There are a couple of people on here I`m not fond of but, as in real life, I mostly avoid them.
If I had to choose between living with a smoker or a drinker it would be the smoker. Smelly, but not as obnoxious as a drunk.
I smoke but have given up drink. I've never seen anybody arrested for inhaling outside in a public place but you see people being arrested for being drunk and disorderly and it's not a pretty sight.
I wouldn't set out to upset someone but I doubt I worry overly about my opinions causing offence. I try to be as polite and as tactful as I am in my everyday life - which I'm not sure is a good thing or not!
Depends on who is throwing the insults.
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gness, I'm the friendliest drunk you wil ever meet, beer just makes me dafter.

daffy, it is only TIC I wouldn't want the likes of you and crafty shot lol :0)
Arksided, if that barbed comment was directed at me then you are way off the mark. As most long term abers can tell you I am not easily offended and can give as good as I get. I do object to people making personal remarks about me when they don't know me though, and you NEVER joke with a woman about her weight unless you know her personally or she made a joke about it herself first!
Oh and by the way..... drunks should be shot.
Good Mick, I like you and i'd hate to have to add you to my ever expanding list of people who I would like to see disappear of the face of the planet ;)

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