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It's my birthday today and.....

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MASS1961 | 21:01 Thu 31st May 2012 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
I've had the huge total of 3 cards, however........

Had the day off work and after driving a total of 178 miles I've seen my daughter 1 card and t shirts, seen my Mum 1 card and a bit of money, seen my brother and family 1 card and birthday curry tea and..

bought myself a new car for my birthday.

It's been a GREAT day although I thought the rule was they came to see me??
I'm shattered!


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happy birthday enjoy the car.
happy birthday...
What motor have you got? Aston, Ferrari, Jag?
Happy birthday, tiring day, have a glass of champagne
hey, happy birthday there, and a glass of something even if it is gone 10 - I have had 3 wines, so I will raise a glass retrospectively to you....
Sorry to intrude but did you see my post on Sun Stokie
That's families for you! Enjoy the rest of your birthday MASS1961! Pull open
a can of beer and put your feet up!xx
Happy Birthday, Mass. Your avatar begs the question. Are you naturally unlucky? I always felt sorry for Charlie Brown.
Shoota, you look tarty, LOL!
Happy Birthday:)
Was it a matchbox car?
Mrs O has a lot to answer for Cupid!
Happy Birthday shattered MASS. Next year a fake leg plaster the day before your birthday and they`ll come to you. Many happy years with your new car.x
Glad to hear you have enjoyed your day x
Happy Birthday to Yoooouuuuu

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! OOOOO You know how to spoil yourself!! x
sorry owd i dont recall that i did...did i miss some winners????
Happy birthday.

You are lucky. That is 2 cards more than I usually get and a lot more presents.

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It's my birthday today and.....

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