Had a gyne appointment this morning with the dermatologist and she noticed a dark, irregular shaped mole on my pubic bone, quite big too.
I know that I have had it there for a year or so and should have gone to my GP but you know how it is, time, work.....no excuse, I know, anyway, she has now sent me for an appointment to remove it and have it investigated. I'm not worried about the removal part but it has made me worry about the outcome. :0(
but I suspect you find it more worrying as a result.. if it is any consolation most moles turn out to be nothing and most of the rest are fully removed at the first attempt.
Hi Sqad....I really hope you are right :0) I wish I was as optimistic as you.
Unfortunately, I am the sort of person that can often think the worst but, I will not let it take over my life and I will constantly say to myself that I am worrying about nothing. (Hopefully)