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Five Rules To Remember in Life....

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Smowball | 11:28 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
1.Forgive your emeny, but remember the b*ggers name

2.Money cannot but happiness, but it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.

3.Help someone when they are in trouble, and they will remember you when they are in trouble again.

4.Many people are alive only beause it is illegal to shoot them.

5.Alcohol does not solve any problems,but then again neither does milk.

These should assist you with most daily decision choices : )


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Yeah, I agree.
Question Author
*enemy! lol
6. Never date a man in a skirt.
7. Never take his word its a kilt.

sorry, Tony, but I love a wind up.....{:o)
Oi, you can pack that in, Essex wench.
Rule 5½, perhaps? Be kind to people whom you pass on your way up. You might meet them on the way down.
8. Never go to bed without settling an argument, stay up and plot your revenge
Never play poker with a man named Doc.
Never put your hand up a kilt it's gruesome & if you persist it'll be grew some more.
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LOL whiskeyron
1a : Speak softly, but carry a big stick just in case
Never wear a kilt in the winter.
Always make sure our sporran is not on back to front {:o(
never eat yellow snow.........
"Never put your hand up a kilt it's gruesome & if you persist it'll be grew some more."

On the other hand, it's a great way to tell what clan he is from. If it's a quarter pounder then he's a McDonald.
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very good Duncer
Was it Tara P-T who said ...

"Whoever said 'money can't buy you happiness' just doesn't go to the right shops"
rule 6. don't let the bu***rs get you down.
rule 7. smile at your enemies and people you don't like and don't explain. it will drive them mad trying to work out why you are always smiling at them, no matter what they say.
Rule 8
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday
like no 4
9. Remember your wife's birthday but forget how old she is.

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