I was having a discussion with my Gran about sleep. She was moaning at me because I don't get enough but I know if I go to my bed early it takes me even longer to go to sleep than if I went at my normal time!
Anyway.. My question.. My Gran said that people who sleep before midnight and get up earlier are healthier than people who go to bed later and lie in longer. I just don't understand how this can be true! Surely it's the amount of sleep and not when you sleep that counts?!
It's utter nonsense. Your body needs a certain amount of sleep when it's tired. As long as you are sleeping enough, at a time that suits you, you'll be fine.
I rarely go to bed before midnight and then get up at 7.20 on school days and whenever the little peeps get up on weekends/holidays - rarely unwell either.
Exactly Thenry... If it were true, my whole generation would suffer from a shortened life span. I don't know anybody my age who goes to sleep before 12. I would say 2am is about average. I usually go about 11.30/12pm and that's getting up at 7am for work.