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bad luck

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percypineapple | 17:10 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Didn't k now where to put this, chatterbank has all the experts, so:

Is it bad luck to buy a pram before the baby is born, or take it into the house before the baby is born?


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There is no such thing.
My family has lots of superstitions like that, so I'd say yes.
I think these days, you have to order the pram in advance.....and possibly not pick up untill babys here? (tempting fate kind of thing?)

My friend picked her pram up 4days before baby came though xx
We don't believe in all that, so as far as our family is concerned, no lol :)
If it is reduced in a sale snap it up at any time.

It depends if you are superstitious or not.
That's what my mam said to me when I was pregnant,she kept the pram in her spare room until baby was born.
In the past yes, I knew of families who wouldn't buy anything until the baby is born, just in case something went wrong. I haven't heard the pram one before.
No superstitions like that here, and certainly not like Michael Jackson, hanging his baby out over the balcony of the Raffles Hotel in Sing.
The prams I bought for my grandchildren were kept at my house until the babies were born.
We bought our pram and cot before #1 was born, but kept them at my MIL's until after the birth.

Each to their own.
I didn't bring the pram into the house until the baby was born.
the existence of prams can neither help a pregnancy or hinder it (unless of course you leave it in the way and the mum trips over it). However, a lot of people would rather not have the pram before hte baby. I think mostly people do the research and order it to be delivered near of after the due date. As much for the fact they are blooming huge and in the way when you a a huge fat lump
superstion is you can buy but dont bring into the house before baby is born.,ma in law told me this in the 60s.
Hope evrything goes well for you.
We bought our little boy's pram / pushchair thingy early, and put it in the loft.

He is now at university, on course for a first class degree. So much for bad luck.
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Thank you all,
So, If i put it in the shed, that will be o.k., it's got to go somewhere!

My mum's the youngest of 14 children. All shared the same pram.
Never seemed to stop my gran getting pregnant.
It's Bad luck to be superstitious
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I am sure that every time i walk under a ladder, things go wrong, not pot of paint on head etc, but just normal things in life. broke a mirror once ( or twice) and am convinced that i had the 7 years bad luck. I stayed in a haunted hotel and saw things and had experiences that have stayed with me for 40 years, so just a little bit worried about fate and superstitions.
in which case, don't get it. From experience i can tell you that taking baby things back to a shop and having to explain why you don't need them anymore is one of the most unpleasant experiences ever

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