Just wanted to share this with you talented people out there.... I wake at about 3am in the morning after about 5 hours of sleep. I then have to wait 2 hours to get back to sleep again but go through a restless period of feeling inadequate, depressive and generally listless state. I then wake a couple of hours later and though not bursting with energy get up and make a cup of tea then feel OK!
I actually apprehend things whilst I'm lying there at 3 in the morning but once up and about I feel I can cope....
Just wanted to know if this is a normal feeling or if there is something more in it....
I had similar problen about 2 years ago,tied sleeping pills from the doctor,useless!I then had swollen ankles,went to out of hours doc(sunday pm)spent 4 days in hospital,now on water tablets,sleeping alot better,but hav high bloob pressure.do you have any medcal probs that may be affecting your sleep patterns.I now tend to go to bed after 11 pm,as before I'd go to bet @ 8.30