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Jeza | 22:43 Wed 05th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
I came to this site through Micmac my unwell husband.
I read today about badges. I don't have any, nor am I likely to get any. I am not a prolific poster. I do enter topics other than chat. Other people have posted before me so I don't answer. So other than Mamya's music thread which I sometimes post on I feel I am surplus to establishment. Thank you Ed for pointing that out to me and everyone else who does not have a badge. Are you trying to make make YOUR site just for the doctors, lawyers etc. Not forgetting the Q & P people.


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I don't think so at all, jeza - you can get a badge for a huge range of posting, not just for giving professional advice. I got one for posting 100 times in the Apotheosis thread....
i've got a badge i don't think i qualified for and so you can have it, it's meaningless to me, I wanted a badge that either rewarded me for my help advice and support in genealogy, or a badge for long service, or a badge for my contunued support for Garth despite the sometimes cruel jests from those who have yet to discover his fabulousness. I'm not bothered though but.
This is the new honours system. You and me, Jeza, might queue up at the teachers desk for a gold star but the old school will fall asleep in the House of ABlords !
Ed says there are more badges in the offing, dotty....
Jeza, your contributions are as valued as anyone else's - you don't need a badge from Ed, though there are individual ones going apparently, you score "gold" with a lot of folk on here, so take heart in that, please. Same applies to other folk who are new as well - those who wish to contribute to the well-being of others.
.. and send our best wishes to micmak, too, please.
No badges for me either! And I've been here for years.

I don't post in any religous or sport topics.
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Thenry, I don't want a gold star or a bloody badge,I just think that people who don't get one are demeaned for their contribution to the site.
I don't see it like that at all, jeza - it's all a bit bewildering at the moment, but I don't think anyone's insulted (apart, perhaps, from ron)
Jeza - don't take things personally. There is someone on here who has asked NO questions, given TWO answers and has been awarded a badge! Try to fathom that one out.
Its just a bit of fun jeza x
I said more or less as much to the Ed, Jeza. It seems to me that the badge system is mainly for "the greatest of number of posts" categories and, therefore, favours the veterans and heavy posters.

I really don't give a flying **** whether I have a badge or not. Think I have one somehow.
Not really sure why they have been introduced. Feels like when I was a Cub Scout earning my proficiency badges.
I just enjoy coming on here, looking, and posting occasionally. I'm certainly not part of the 'A' Team but am I bothered, NO, and Ed can keep his badges?

Stick with it and don't worry about badges.
Mass x
I haven't got one and I'm not at all bothered jeza. I just like coming to Answerbank for some fun. How is MicMak? He was one of my favourite posters. Tell him I miss him.
Starby - you HAVE got one, I just looked :-)
I think that the badge idea is a bad idea - it becomes a bit like quantity and not quality of posts.

I think that if someone did something exceptional for another AB member it may deserve mentioning (if all parties agree) but otherwise it seems a bit pointless, like the 'best answer' thing.

The site is improving but I am not keen on the badges. Maybe selling AB T-shirts and mugs would be a good idea!
I got mine for this........

The member has taken part in a number of long threads in a debate topic (such as News, Society & Culture or Relgion & Spirituality)

Seeing as I hardly post in any of those topics my badge is all yours Jeza
Jeza regardless of the 'badges' I look forward to your posts and so do other people. If people thought the same about me it would mean more than any silly badge...............
Oops - so I have, but I don't know what for and I didn't think of looking on my profile to see if I had one.
I've got one Jeza for debating (read being an argumentative arse). No-one cares about these badges so stop worrying, you aren't being demeaned in any way it's just, as someone else said, a bit of fun and as Mark said favours the frivolous heavy posters more than anyone else, so stop worrying and carry on posting.

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