sorry it's taken a while to get back to you....personal stuff ahoy going on this end! yes, you will notice even a small reduction in your meds and i would advise trying to stay on a dose that makes you feel ok. i take quetiapine as i need the antipsychotic, sedative and enhanced effect it has on my antidepressant (venlafaxine). i find fiddling with any bit of my meds is just not worth it as i feel so rubbish if i do. i get many side effects including over-sedation, dry mouth, visual disturbances, balance problems, bad guts, constipation and akathesia (really bad restlessness) as the main ones. sometimes i have to take procyclidine for the restlesness as it drives me potty (excuse the pun!). it can take a few weeks to adjust to higher or lower doses and i again stress that you should only do this under a shrink or your gp monitoring you closely. hope this helps...and i have now subscribed to your thread. i wish you well x