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jd_1984 | 15:03 Fri 28th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Ok so I was thinking of buying the mrs some lingerie......
Is it me or is this quite a complicated affair?

Should I be buying something that I think SHE will like or something that I know I would want to see on her? If I discuss with her it will spoil the suprise.

Also I need to get the size right, I have had a quick look at her bra size but it depends on the make I think as I have seen 2 or 3 different cup sizes in her drawer??

Shall I get chocolates???


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"Shall I get chocolates??? "

If you do just explain that they're for eating not wearing :-)
Unless of course ...
just buy her a socket set you can then both enjoy it
Get chocs.

If you get underwear you like, she wont like it- and if you get underwear she'll like you wont.
Depends what size she is.

My OH would never bother buying me undies. I need to be fitted.
Baza, I'm very disappointed in you!
lol baza.... I think jd would never get lingerie action again if he did that
Hopefully the expert Sqad will appear and give knowledgeable advice
My hubby bought me lingerie once and bra size was wrong cup size. When I said to him that he knew the cup size he said oh I know but it was close enough, did it matter!?
ewww sibton, don't- in fact, i might remove it before he sees it.

''Hopefully the expert Sqad will appear and give knowledgeable advice''
> Hopefully Sqad will appear and give knowledgeable advice

Don't buy her lingerie. Give her a couple of catalogues and let her choose.
Buy her an iron she'll use it more often
I'd love a socket set......................
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Not to give to much of an insight.... she has very nice bra's and knickers etc..... But was going to hit Ann Summers (or similar) get something a bit sexier. She has worked hard in the gym and lost over a stone, her confidence is on the up and I want her to feel sexy and suprise her....
The wife?....LOL...chocolates...........

The mistress...


This should give you some do need to know the cup size and also the shoulder width...

The wife!!! LOL LOL
I've got a spare one craft. Would you like it?
Sqad's been in my knicker drawer again.....sigh.
Thanks mazie, but I'd like a brand new one. That would be a bit like second hand lingerie........................

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