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Group Hug Anyone?

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2sp_ | 22:02 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
222 Answers
As usual, I'm at the tail end of the drama and intrigue that seems to be unravelling around here today.

I have no intention of starting yet another thread on whatever is unfolding around us.

So, anyone just want to have a big group hug and just be nice to each other???


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Oh yes please......x
Hi 2sp, hugs xx
good idea, hug, hug.
too late, dotty has just deactivated. :-(
I'm game. I love hugs.
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Honestly, it feels like being a wee kid and my parents are fighting!

all round!
DT, or was...
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Sorry, *hugs* all round!
Extra one for hugs here too xxx
and me!
Urgh, no, gerroff with your hippy huggy crap.

I will however take an offering of cake if that's going :-)
Me like hugs... x x x
DT, are you having or giving a hug?
can I have a lazy hug, where the arms just flop over the shoulders? Too tired for a squeezy hug! Thanx in advance!
OOOOOOOOOOOO :) (that's a lot of hugs!)
Thankyou. Needed that. xxx
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Groping is optional...

Remember to ask the gropees permission or we could all end up in trouble.
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Cake is definitely on the menu, B00.
Oh sod it ladies!!!!! Too hard! You've squashed the choccie cake I brought for BOO......bums. :-(

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Group Hug Anyone?

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