Quizzes & Puzzles18 mins ago
A Better Class Of Ad Is Required.
19 Answers
Dear Ed 1, 2, or 3.
I know we have to have adverts in order to keep the site free for us but please subscribe to a better class of product. Texting and tweeting (or twittering) are already destroying our language - and now this!
I am particularly complaining of a grammar/spelling error in one such prominent advert.
It was headlined "BETTER THEN A FACELIFT"
If they can't do better then (sic) that then they don't deserve my custom (not that I'm needing a facelift anyway).
This was the ad:
http:// adclick .g.doub leclick .net/ac lk?sa=l &ai =CmbYsa qgFUd_e K4KC-wa Zo4CgCu G6rNIC- aW84DbJ t5jPlwE QASAAUI DH4cQEY LvWyoPc CoIBF2N hLXB1Yi 0xNjAwO TkyNjA1 OTYzNTE 0yAEJqA MBqgSjA U_QOM7Y bkP2SyY McaVxxa W1BHktt NRkb64Z 9KvOjCA bvuikJF exqbh8Z pQkGa6y J0O4Oyk WSDO2Ww oSzDuH_ IYHyG-7 EwssO8J YenURgO HHei7oy M-uUYiI zAoyFxi 6BwQtpk _swbhUX u52Qsq6 Ijf4NbK UyijiEX W6ZlHvt MOyoqMg ruwuKGc zmFHkTH -uokvoJ FhR-ztc aEAeQxj pGMQhhX eABq2Fn vPWhMmh WQ& num=1&a mp;sig= AOD64_0 gJHWNOE 314SNCI Mg2pNvN Z4LOAQ& amp;cli ent=ca- pub-160 0992605 963514& amp;adu rl=http %3A%2F% 2Fclick serv.si tescout .com%2F clk%2Fc 2f611ca e6c165d c%2F945 9d7d8d7 5e16bc% 2F8-830 91%2F1% 2Fwww.t heanswe rbank.c o.uk%25 2FQuizz es-and- Puzzles %252FQu estion1 211346. html%25 23answe r-76868 60%2F%2 Fcident RTg0MDR GMjJGRk JFMDFGM jM2QzBG MTMyOEM 0RTJBRD kvLy8v% 2Fcbust er18288 05940
I know we have to have adverts in order to keep the site free for us but please subscribe to a better class of product. Texting and tweeting (or twittering) are already destroying our language - and now this!
I am particularly complaining of a grammar/spelling error in one such prominent advert.
It was headlined "BETTER THEN A FACELIFT"
If they can't do better then (sic) that then they don't deserve my custom (not that I'm needing a facelift anyway).
This was the ad:
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