Lots of different reasons but mostly, like woofgang, I enjoy it. I'll admit sometimes I even stoop so low as to think 'what's in it for me' but I quickly tell myself off.
Actually it's for all the same reasons that I do bad things. ;)
I love being helpful and nice to people and doing favours to help people, I enjoy it so much I made it my profession.
//but do you agree that it is easier to be bad than to be good? lots of people say that, but is it true?//
No it isn't true, I see very few opportunities to be bad but very many opportunities to be good.
An interesting question and has made me look again at why I do the things I do.
I support charities for the homeless.....probably because I was put out on the street by a crazy mother at fifteen. To not have a home of any sort is a bugger.
My parents made me leave school as early as they legally could......could be why I worked in education...usually with the ne'er-do-wells. To have access to education is so important. :-)
I cannot imagine existing without easy access to water.....so I support charities providing water.
So I try to do a bit of good.....and quite a bit of wicked too....;-)