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Fed Up With This Mess

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slinky.kate | 14:42 Thu 25th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
now i have a hole in my living roon wall


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nothing ventured, nothing gained Kate :-) Wot you doing in June, fancy a trip to Edinburgh to meet minty, voddy, nungate, queenie and hopefully a few others? (date to be arranged)
15:17 Thu 25th Apr 2013
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Yeah, Kate, stop moaning. Spare a thought for poor Desky!! :P lol
Is this a hole on purpose, Slinky? x
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Oh dear slinky, that is something to feel fed up about.
I hope it isnt too bad, and you get it sorted out soon x
desktop, that sort of comment won't endear you to anyone. There are many people on Answerbank who have problems that are far worse than yours who choose not to whine about them all the time.

Kate, why have you got a hole in your wall? is it from work being done?

What happened, is there a car in it?
Does that mean your neighbours can hand you a glass of wine? If so don't knock it :-)
It's not your door is it Slinky?.......;-)
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^ But true !
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Kate, are you getting re-wired?
(Well, the house, not you!)
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i am fed up because,i still have workmen in and out fixing stuff that shoul ave been done I.E.shower door leaking
extractor fan cord got stuck and i could'nt turn it off
loads of stuff lying at the top of my stairs to go to coup and the boys are having a lazy day
hospital phoned and said to come for retinal screening just after one instead of 4.30
i seem to have ants in the house.there is a damp patch on the wall and son was feeling round it and it collapsed inwards now i have a hole needing sorted
had to phone my help me out andi did'nt want to
god help me-what else desky
LOL @ alba - I could do with rewiring -well a total refurb really -me not the house ;-)
Now desktop, how would you know how fed up Kate was?

You dont, so comments like that aren't helpful to Kate.

You already have your own thread on how you are feeling, please be courteous to other people.Thank you.

Whats happened Kate ?
wasn't you having a walk-in shower fitted a few weeks ago, kate
Why isnt daffy as fed up as you desktop?
There are a lot of Abers who are fed up but never complain.
so -my reassurance to desktop that rude comments are not personal is removed -and the rude comment left up - I'm off to see my sheep....
Oh dear :-(

Have a cuppa. That may help.

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