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Down In The Dumps

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EvianBaby | 19:47 Fri 10th May 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I should be really happy as today was my last day in my current job and its been stressing me out for so long but I'm not.

The bosses took me for lunch but the other lads weren't around and not one of them even bothered to text to say bye or good luck, even the ones I thought I got on really well with. Neither any of the subbies who I've done loads for the past 5 years. I am going to work for a customers company so I probably will come into contact with some of them again at some point but a simple text wouldn't have gone amiss.

And most people would be out celebrating but I don't have anyone to go celebrating with.

And because of the pay days I have to try and make this months wages pay for two months rent and get new work clothes (they are necessary as I need smart at new job and old was very casual).

And I'm bricking it about being totally crap at the new job and having to be the new girl and meet new people, being the social cripple that I am.

So in essence, I'm having a pity party and I wanted to moan at someone but the cats too busy licking his own arse to listen to me.



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Oh heck, I don't know what to say, other than good luck in your new job and don't write off your mates just yet xxx
Oh EB, sorry you had a crappy day :( Sending you virtual hugs and I'll bring the cyber Pringles to the pity-party! :)

Don't worry about the new job, I'm sure you will do great. xxx
Blokes are not exactly known for their thoughfulness and without a female to organise them it probably did not occur to them to do something special to make your leaving. It's normal to feel apprehensive when starting a new job so you're not unusual in that respect, you're new employers obviously think you are up to it or they wouldn't have given you the job (they didn't give it to you out of pity!). Ok, money is going to be tight but you will just have to be careful and not go too mad on the clothes buying. xxx
Oh my, i know just how you feel EB. I once quit a job that was overwhelming me with unhappiness, only to sob all the way home on the last day!

Just remind yourself that they were colleagues, not proper friends. You had to work with them but that's where it ended. But most of all, remind yourself that you've been selected for this new job over and above all other applicants because you're perfect for it.

Chin up and no looking back now.
Awwww that is not good EB, I can understand why you feel disappointed. Maybe your colleagues didn't want to see you go ? Charity shops sell wonderful clothes at a fraction of the shop prices, and you will manage your finances somehow. Whenever I panic , I always manage to get by, not so comfortable maybe but it is only temporary.
As to your new job, you will probably fit straight in and be fine from day one. Chin up girl, go get either a gin or cup of tea and think of how you can treat yourself in a couple of months xxx
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Thanks guys, you've cheered me up. Specially you Maydup, it's nice to know I'm not the only one to have felt like this. Think I just expected to feel ultra happy.

And you're right Sher, they're happy to text me weekends and evenings if they need something they forgot about but they are typical men.

Ill stick the kettle on and watch eastenders, that'll cheer me up no end.
So sorry to hear that evianbaby. Similar things have happened to me where i think i would've treated someone else a lot better than i was treated so don't sweat it maybe we're just too nice for our own good.

When do you start the new job? I haven't got any recommendations for you but if it's not this monday i'd get a few self help/confidence books and read them back to back so i could make sure i walk into the new job like a tigress ready to pounce.

Haven't you got any non work friends you could go out with this weekend and have some wine and a good talk with?
Big hugs Evian. Moan heard and understood. Clean and tidy most important. Something cheap until you have a couple of payslips under your belt? Shoulders back, spine straight, big smile. Go get 'em girl.
Thats blokes for you Evian.
Hopefully there will lots of new people both male & female for you to make friends with at the new place.
Turn over a new page & start your new life. XX
Leaving a job is often an anti climax in my experience as you leave one thing that was giving you jip and then spend the rest of the time worrying about how the new job will go - usually unnecessarily - just try not to think on it too much.
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Thanks peeps. You're all very right and you've all made me stop feeling sorry for myself.

New jobs starts Monday so maybe ill just hang out at my dads and my sisters houses over the weekend and the kids can keep my mind of worrying for two days.

Thanks for letting me have my little whinge.x
On this site I never thought you were a social cripple - dont beat yourself up!
i sort of felt similar when i left my old job - i had worked there for 5 years and 1 person said goodbye/good luck :(
why don't you contact your non-work friends. - they will surely help you.
Evian this will pass and you will look back and think you were well out of it. Honestly, you'll be fine. Enjoy your weekend with the kids and best wishes for Monday.
Work colleagues are just that - at work, after that they are not really friends. Best of luck for Monday. Any chance of a sub off your Dad to get new work clothes?
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It's easy to be confident from the comfort of a keyboard Conn.

Seems like I'm very much not alone. Kind of glad about that.

Dad is totally skint at the moment as he's funding another siblings life. I'm sure ill work it out.

Thanks again everyone.
"And most people would be out celebrating but I don't have anyone to go celebrating with. "

You are wrong, you have us on here to celebrate with. All the best in your new job. (((hugs)))
Good luck from me xx

I'm sure you'll be fab in your new job. Once you get started you'll wonder why you were ever nervous.
Good luck Evian, forward and upward - you will be fine.

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