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EcclesCake | 16:12 Sat 13th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
What is your preferred method of communicating with someone from a distance?

I'm quite a solitary person and hate having to pick up the phone, largely because I only want people to ring when it suits me and I assume they are doing something important when I call them. Consequently I don't really use the phone much.

I like texts but as I have appalling mobile coverage where I live it is a slow process to have an exchange of texts with someone.

Email is good for me but I do read them and then forget to reply......

Hhhmmm, having read this back I am sounding like a hermit......not far wrong actually!!!

The odd thing is I quite like to be amongst a small group of people I just hate the communication preamble!



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I'm not very good on the phone...I think because I can't see a face. Texts are okay but my phone needs....well replacing I think.....Emails I have come to like....but I still love letters. x
I find texts less intrusive than a call, for both parties. But i have sometimes had several texts back and forward from the same person, so I've rung them as it's easier. Don't really like emails, as they are often for things I've ordered rather than personal, so i save them in drafts until things arrive and end up confusing myself!
I tend to text or FB (free!), mainly because the time that I can chat most of my friends are at work
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To my shame, I cannot remember the last time I wrote a personal letter....and the last time I received one it was to tell me my Uncle had died!
Eccles, look out window, see big smoke signal from Canadar, you send wampum and whiskey to make treaty, how for now.
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I'm married to a Scot so you'll only get whiskey from me.....single malt though and mostly cask strength........keep it away from the fire!!!
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Aaarrgghhhh.....only whisky, bloody predictive text iPad crap......
Fire? What is fire; send some with wampum and whiskey.
I phone my family all the time and email some friends and really far flung family I also write a lot of letters .
I rarely text anyone . In fact I hardly ever use my mobile phone .
Texting mostly. I hate actually talking on the phone and I would never get round to answering emails.
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How are sending this smoke signal smoke without fire etc......
Ouch! You got me:)
I don't mind talking on the phone for work but outside of it I'd rather txt (or FB message). A lot of messages are done on FB as you can include others in the conversation and it's great for organising dates for going out and such. I can't go out much at the moment but lovely they still invite me :)

I am sociable but like my own time and space and enjoy alone time though I don't feel alone.

I used to write so many letters but haven't done one for years now!
I email, but not as often as I should, and not all my older friends have email. I hand-write letters rarely - I might put a typed letter in a birthday card. I'm not good at keeping touch, but then the people I communicate with aren't either....
What's app is good.
I loathe texting - what's wrong with simply talking to people? So much simpler to get your point across or convey a message by talking rather than trying to type tiny letters into a 'phone
A morse key every time except you only get to chat with fellow Radio Amateurs. Otherwise take a dog for a walk and meet friendly folk to chat with.
I communicate however the people I want to communicate with want to communicate. It works very well.
Email. When read and want to reply later, set them to "unread" in inbox so they are in bold.

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