As with most insurance coverage here in the U.S., the plan the Secret Service uses is a choice... The U.S. Government (as the employer) pays roughly 75% of the premium and several insurance companies offer coverage which the individual employee can select. The choices are fairly similar in both coverages and cost.
In a high cost illness,(such as this little boy is facing) the patient (read policy holder) usually pays the first part of "catastrophic" illness coverage which is most likely around $5,000 (US) and the insurance coverage covers most of the rest... which can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. There are additional "sundry" costs which the policy holder typically pays as well, such as copay on prescription drugs.
These are the costs that President Bush is assisting the other employees to collect to help out their coworker...
As I recall, the only country President George H.W. Bush invaded (with a large coallition of allies) was Kuwait (and, peripherally, Iraq)... after it had been invaded by a 'brother' Muslim nation, Iraq, no?
"... On January 17, 1991, American and allied forces began launching air attacks on Iraqi forces and on February 24 the ground campaign began. By February 27, the coalition had achieved their stated mission of ejecting the Iraqi army out of Kuwait. Exactly 100 hundred hours after the ground battle had begun, the allies suspended all offensive operations..."