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Blood Pressure

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privacybill | 10:00 Thu 28th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
I am taking various medication for heart failure & blood pressure. Namely: Atenolol, Amiodarome, Valsartin.....I am also diabetic............I am going to have some tests in September and a return to a cardiac department in November but of late the least thing seems to annoy me and up goes BP....sometimes as high as 190-93.....pulse get irregular and I have to go rest and try to unwind......Can this be normal for my condition.....Age 70 years


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have yuo tried explaining this to your GP??? you may ne developing a mild form of depression x
All sounds too familiar.    Since going on anti-depressants my mood swings have subsided and I'm not so volatile, but it doesn't take a lot for the BP to go sky-high again.   I'm only in my late fifties so for 70 you're doing OK, but please mention your situation to your GP.
Best wishes.

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