Hi, Ann and thank you...just spotted this.
Bad night and really bad morning...started to get a wee bit worried so I found a walk in surgery in Corby and got there....Chest infection so I have antibiotics and steroids....never had those before....but if it just eases the pain a bit I'll be happy.
I was delighted to see a huge empty surgery and be called in immediately to see the triage nurse....til she sent me to the real waiting room... Arrrgghh!
It was larger but half full of annoying people so I tucked myself in a corner and closed my eyes for the two hour wait.
Why oh why does the local nut seek me out and come to sit beside me? I'm good with the local accent but I got one word in ten about his illnesses, tablets, anger management which went by the board when he decided "throw one of his wee tantrums" to get seen quickly and would I like to join in?........His dead mother....the colour of these chairs....his elbow broken at last week's wedding and then horror of horror!!! He was here because the contents of his bowels were coming out of his mouth......he said.
I have pills, Ann but by the time I got out I was so ill I'm not sure the visit was such a good idea........☻
And that's without mentioning badly behaved children!
Fear I may be a tad grumpy....x