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ferlew | 23:01 Sat 21st Dec 2013 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Following OH's recent surgery, he has done really well so far. What now worries me is that he is suddenly very tired, wanting to go to bed after tea, and his appetite is diminishing.
Is this just his body reacting after major surgery?


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I can't tell you from the clinical perspective, but I know when I had a radical hysterectomy some years back, I was exhausted for weeks. I believe it to have been part of the recovery process - the body needs sleep in order to help to repair itself. I slept after lunch for two hours every day for about six weeks.
Major surgery can really knock the stuffing out of people. It is probably to be expected, although I don't know his age or the nature of the surgery.
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Age 74, removal of part of lung because of lung cancer.

I had surgery about a month ago, been home just over 2 weeks, I shattered, can't even walk my Dogs atm (neighbours doing it) I'm 62, ex RM, usually very fit, and this has kna*k**ed me, but I know I will improve given time, so will your OH.
I would have thought that was perfectly normal, all things considered.
Agree with RATTER.
ferlew, anaesthetic takes some time to get over.
could he be anaemic ?
Himself had emergency brain surgery in July. He was awful at first, sleeping all the time (to be expected), then he would have days of being quite chipper and then he would be exhausted. Now if he over does things (by his current standards) over a couple of days he is wiped out. He looks fine, says he feels fine but is obviously not 100%. These things take time (which I found hugely frustrating because it seemed to be taking ages even though he had had major surgery), it all comes down to patience and taking things at his pace, x
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Thanks all, I just get so scared when he isn't well, I know it's early days after the op (13/11/13) but he keeps saying he is fine.
I will put it down to him being 'old school' and trying to appear well.
Perfectly normal for the first few days or even longer after chest surgery and also it may well be the body readjusting to new drugs if they have been given.

Anaemia is extremely unlikely as his blood tests for this would have been checked on discharge.

Also he will now have to learn to live with less lung capacity for oxygen absorptive, which will make him tired for a time.
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Makes sense, thanks Squad.
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Just to add, we found out Friday that his rib wasn't "broken", a tiny piece was surgically removed, to prevent breakage and to aid access.
Hi Ferlew Great to know that things were going OK - ish

74 is a good age and I think he would take up to a year to recover.
I felt really crap up to about a year after hemicolectomy and I know the colon is not in the chest....

thanks about the rib - rib resection in this case is normal and allows a really big big big drann to be put in - which I like because I am old.

Remember with the really important questions about OH -
like you know I have counted the ribs and on one side there are eleven and the other side twelve - what the hell is going on ?

dont ask us on AB - ask your surgeons !
I am sorry to hear about your OH and wish him well.

I've had several major operations over the last 3 years involving removal of various body parts (Mr O is convinced I am leaving him by stealth lol).
It can take months and months to recover from major surgery such as your OH has had. Also, I found that I could have days where I felt really well and then I reverted to needing a daytime nap and early nights.
I have a rubbish appetite and supplement my diet with Fortisip Compact drinks (you get them on prescription). They are tiny bottles so they don't "overface" the patient, but each one contains 300 calories and all the nutrients needed and they really do help.
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Thanks Mrs O. Hope you are well soon.
I don't think he would take to the Fortisips, I had them when I was poorly, a little oily I found.
Based on a comment he made yesterday, I have a little plan to help him feel better.
Will report back when I have been shopping tomorrow. :)
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Got it!!!
He said the other day, "Oh I hate these grey mornings, they make me feel miserable".
Bought him a SAD lamp from Maplins. I do hope it does the trick.

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