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4 Month Old Not Responding To Noise

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SMP | 22:24 Sat 22nd Feb 2014 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
My grandson is 4 months old and doesn't respond to noise a all. His hearing test at birth was normal. He is waiting for another hearing test but we are wondering what the problem could be. Today his older brother blew one of those party blowers very loudly quite close to him and he didn't flinch. In all other ways he is healthy. Good weight, goes down at 7pm sleeps until at least 7am. He is very clingy to his mum, his eyes follow her everywhere. The health visitor says this because he may not be able to hear. He smiles and makes baby noises. Any advice gratefully received.
Thanks SMP.


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take advice from health visitor and get hearing test ASAP.good luck
Question Author
Thanks Anne my daughter is waiting for the apt to come through. She has been told it is urgent as if he has got hearing problems they need to try and start dealing with it before he is 6 months.
I believe the earliest deafness is diagnosed in a baby the better, off course he may be absolutely fine, I may be wrong but is the fact he makes sounds a positive sign,?
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That's what I keep telling my daughter, but the little one really does not respond/react to any type of noise. He was in his chair in my kitchen and I knocked a saucepan on to the quarry tile floor and he didn't jump or cry or react at all.
you must all be very worried, I hope he gets his appointment very soon. and maybe its nothing serious. I hope you let us know the outcome.
out of interest is his eyesight ok, was he born prematurely ?
Try not to worry, your daughter is on the case and if there is a problem they will catch it early and get it sorted. Maybe the little one is just really chilled, :)
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Thank you both. Anne he was 2 weeks early, c/section as my daughter had too much water. He was a good weight 7lb 13oz. He has 2 fused toes on each foot. He is milk intolerant as was his brother and his auntie. His eyesight seems fine he follows mum everywhere and grabs the dangly toys on his car seat. Sherradk I'm hoping he is just laid back and chilled.
My daughter didn't respond to sound for many months but was all right in the end.
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Thanks modeller, that's good to know.
Sorry, hope I didn't sound uncaring. I just think it's brilliant that your daughter has spotted a potential problem early on, lots of people don't.
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Not at all Sherradk. my brother is so laid back he is almost horizontal lol, so hopefully little man is just taking after his great uncle.
How did they do his hearing test at birth? When mine had hearing tests, they were rubbish. They literally made a noise behind the baby (8 months) and waited to see if they turned their head at any point. Mine were all looking around the room anyway, so the doctor said, "do you think he/she can hear?" and i said yes.
So, if you want to know if the baby has hearing problems- ask the mum. She'll notice it first x
pixie,,,,,,,,the mum has noticed.

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